"Hey Lets form a Mad - Ads team"...
"Ok cool. What should we call ourselves?"
"Woah!! lets first find the people!!"
"Yeah alright... but more importantly, what do we call ourselves???".
Seems like it was yesterday that a bunch of first years decided to stay back after class, in CR201.
Excited, confused and clueless, each one of these masterpieces shared a common goal: To form a Mad Ads Team. That was just about where their similarities ended.
A brief description of the people who went on to become NO IDEA… and its (not so) faithful support team.
Madhusudhan - Diplomatic, fat, Comedy was as much in his blood as is wisdom in Suppandi.
Chandrakanth - Goofy smile with an occasional tuft of hair obstructing the view of a perfectly round skull, haha hehe and hoho were a few of the sophisticated sounds that he had managed to utter without fail every 2 and a half seconds or so, all through his life.
Abhay - Bespectaled Martian, sadistic demeanor, salivatic musician, the person who told everyone who cared to listen , that he had spent 5 years of his (un)worthy life in the US. Unconfirmed reports confirmed that his actual place of domicile during those very 5 years was a slum in the fragrant gullies of kalasipalya.
Bharath - Silent, Schizophrenic, soporific, and was forever in the suspicion that everybody around him was involved in a devious conspiracy aimed at:
1)stealing his cello pen or,
2)poisoning his food OR,
3)swindling him of his money OR
4)doing something vague that had (or did not have) the ability to ruin his life in mysterious ways, known only to him.
Chandan - Impassive, self - proclaimed dancer, the only person in the group who actually remembered what he had come to BMS for.
Asif – was as tall as his half baked vocabulary, beer bellied, hated every person he was familiar with, stayed more on orkut than in his room, was in love with at least 5 different girls at any given point of time.
Karthik - Top time pass creature, He would be a strong contender along with madhu for the highly acclaimed and coveted "Trust me! I can Act" Award. Yelli.. yelli.. yelli.... A genius in the highly specialized field of " I can lose all my birthday gifts within a month.. try me".... deep louve for the field displayed by the incredible feat of losing his NUMBER PLATE!!
Aravind – CT.. villager. The “astrologer” who gave free advice to any faculty member in BMS ECE.. A clairvoyant who could predict the future… he could tell the features of a printer by looking at its print out.. known in the group for having made inroads into B section in search of greener pastures...
Manoj – Graceful villager. The punter who later went on to become the “Femme Fatale” of NO IDEA. Is also an active member of the “voice encryption” club founded by Siddappaji!
Harsha – Fat, thought he couldn’t act for nuts - until he saw karthik, strongly believed in the philosophy of inspiration and went about the room shouting “energy .. more energy”, like a mad man.
Hariprasad – inebriated imbecile, well dressed villager. He quits boozing every weekend.
Basavraj – Bullraj, if someone paid him to lie, he’d be a millionaire, forever the punchline man. The wise – ass who cant spot the difference between a constable and a circle inspector!!
After an exhaustive and rigorous selection process that would put all software companies to shame, Bharath, Abhay, Karthik, Chandan, Basavraj, Aravind, Manoj and Harsha were selected to be the fortunate lot who had the inestimable honour of making complete fools of themselves on stage, and the rest made it to the support team, that was entrusted with the highly perilous (not to mention, satisfying)job of trying to laugh at the fools on stage.
Oh!! and special mentions :
Tharle – Calling him Mr.Attendance would be something of an understatement.. blessed are the lecturers who have had the honour of having taught to a class with him in it. a rare occurrence that happens once in a “bluish – greenish – red” moon. Holds the honorary positions of Chief technical consultant and critic for No Idea.
DJ – no. she does not work in a club..Guest appearance in a show that she will regret for the rest of her life.. the EC Chick.
Abeesh – Never turned up for a show… but surprisingly turned up for every treat. Abysmal creature with a funny gait.
PS: madhu , Chandrakant and hariprasad, (very surprisingly) got bored of their assigned duty and eventually defected to form “the exclusive EC farewell” mad – ads team “Be A Mess”.