"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" they say.
Prof P S Satyanarayana, the ex HOD for BMSCE E&C , would beg to differ. During one of his better lectures, he proved using Information Theory, that this saying is by far an understatement. A Picture is worth more than that. And I could'nt agree more.
A friend suggested that, I do something towards ensuring, that the few readers that my blog plays host to, manage to keep awake through the verbosity that frequents this space. And he also told me, that putting up pictures would make things more lively if not guaranteeing me a record readership. So here goes; a humble attempt at decoding a vision, a photograph.
This one is called Gordon's Summer.
And no, i do not mean the inter-galactic super hero "flash gordon" (even though a "flash" would be very much in place, in an article describing a photograph).
Gyan : The name makes an allusion to Gordon Summers, more popularly known as Sting, and even more so as the voice of "Desert Rose". Gordon Summers was also the vocalist for the Pop sensations "The Police" who have come up with hits like "Roxanne" and "Every breath you take".
About the origin and motive of the photo, this was taken during a trek to the peak of Kudremukh. I knew this sight was Camera - material, as soon as i looked at it. It pays to let your eyes wander, when you're on a trek. Azure blue and Golden yellow - two very appealing colours, give this snap an "oil painting - ish" look. Picasso could'nt have done a better job I'm sure.
But the most important thing about this photograph - It was taken on a 33 year old SLR camera; yup "old is gold" holds good this time around(for people who are lazy enough not to click on the link given,an SLR camera is one where u have to actually wind the film, yourself, after each shot, and the one which looks damn cool to carry around slung across the neck, and the one in which u get to fiddle around with the focal length cylinder at the front, while peering into the viewfinder with a contorted face - the more contorted the face is, the better you are at photography). And before I forget - the reason behind the name : Gordon's Summer. Well it simply reminded me of a pretty popular song "Fields of gold" by Sting aka Gordon Summers. So anyone with an IQ better than that of a 5th grader, should have figured out the connection by now.
Coming to the aesthetics of the snap, its a picture, that to me, symbolizes adventure and the feeling of not knowing what one is about to encounter around the next turn. The golden stretch is a small part of a hillock, with a narrow path spiraling round its conical form. But, on keener observation , and adding a tinge of imagination, it appears to me to be a golden path, that stretches on into the blue heavens, converging into a bend and beyond which we cannot see. Very synonymous to life - we tend to think that we're forever moving towards a bright and distant future, even though we have'nt a clue as to what awaits us the very next instant. Philosophical and cliched i know.. but hey, its an honest idea.