Yes, I've been out of breath, and have been giving my brain cells a lot of work lately. The former, I've been through in the last 4 years plenty of times, the latter - well let me just say I'm highly surprised that I still have my gray matter up there, after 4 years of mis/dis - use.
Coming back to my time here in LA, its been a learning experience, in several ways. I realised that I can be responsible, without really having to make a conscious effort. I realised that I can cook, (and people do eat the stuff I cook), without having to pore over webpages for recipes and I realised that I can keep my room clean, without my mom having to tell me everyday! The last one is a revelation of sorts - and I'm sure my mom will have a grin with " unbelievable " written all over it, once she reads this one.
But all this is not even remotely as important as what I'm about to assert now. Here goes - On a bright monday morning, in LA, somewhere within the 150 acres of USC, if u see an Indian strolling around, with a blue bag, and a black T- shirt, with a " this was not my idea of cost cutting " - look on his face, and riding a pink coloured cycle , complete with a basket to adorn its ridiculous existence, and with a sticker reading 'Silver Canyon - Magna" on it, well, please stop by and say Hello, - U're hello would then, unfortunately be directed at ME!
Yes, I OWN a PINK COLOURED CYCLE, which I would'nt even let Varsha buy, Back in Bangalore!! Well, circumstances change, and people have to go with the flow. And on popular demand, I unleash the first and last snap ever to be taken, of my "luxurious agent of displacement" (calling it anything other that that would be injustice, criminal even)! Voila! Feast your eyes....
Alright! If U have got back on your feet after a hearty laugh, I'd like to say this in conclusion - "Desperate times call for desperate measures" and " It takes a man to ride a pink bicycle among the chicks in LA". I rest my case.
PS: If anyone was wondering as to how much it cost me to become the proud owner of this timeless beauty - 10 dbc's/200 lime juices, one full sleep-less night on the streets of USC and the lifelong right to tease abhay with respect to chromatic issues.