You stand at the signal, waiting for those aberrant junctions inside the panels to respond to a timer that sends a stream of electrons to interrupt the controller. Out in the material world, two dozen people look at you and half a dozen, evanescent opinions are born. It takes 25 feet and a couple of gazes to get you across. It takes less than 20 seconds but a lifetime of feint to paste a smile on your face that reflects a non - existent, hollow culture. Generalization might be a blunder in a world with over 7 billion people, but I'll take the chance. And amidst all the chaos walks a free soul - oblivious, obvious and calm. You look at her and wonder what's beneath her feet; why the cacophony of a steel world fails to draw her attention. Unperturbed, measured footsteps resound in vacuum, obfuscating your know-how of your fellow humans. A swift journey down the echelons of her mind shows a smooth walled tunnel. Concealed beneath, furious, scorching fluids squirm through the plumbing. Fiendishly intricate wiring inside seems to be the reason for an out-of-the-box sense of dressing she flaunts. Jumping out, the macro world greets you with a cold stare. What you see next is the very antithesis of your latest peek. Coarsely open, the ghost of a redneck approaches, emanating an air of a cruel neighborhood that is wont to challenging a person's survival. You can almost feel the desperation that led to his lowly act of thievery last night. Its probably a cheap drug that he won off his homies from the last bet, that rules his senses right now. And its probably the shoes of his last poorer-by-a-life victim that he wears. What does that mean to you? How has it changed your day? How will it change your life?A butterfly effect perhaps? Or was it just the melange speaking? Can it be possible that you just processed a set of unverified, probably wrong details that will not have a bearing on anyone within five hops of your social brigade?
Who knows,
Why care,
As long as the light lasts
Stand and stare.
Drink in,
Cast out
As long as you live,
You have your shout.
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