Friday, September 4, 2009

Strategies and Results

We all have strategies. Plans of action that are meant to lead straight to the doorstep of success. Ideas that seem so rosy when scripted, you want to pat yourself for thinking it up. Well, pat myself I did, but not on the back; rather, on my dumb head for not being able to materialize even one of them.

I've been a fool, not for coming up with strategies, but for believing that every day is a new one. Sorry to break the news - Today depends on yesterday and tomorrow depends on today. And by dint of recursion, I mean to say that what you did a 1000 years ago, may still have relevance today. There is no such thing as a new day. The problem with this whole concept of a new day, is its allusion to hope. No seriously, A new day does not symbolize hope for God's sake. For all you know, today might turn out to be a lot crappier than yesterday. This piece of writing will translate to pessimism in a lot of the readers' minds. And guess what, that is pretty much the point. I am not a pessimist, but I believe there is no room in the world for a complete optimist. Its like a Government without Opposition, an unchecked growth of a Stack that needs to be popped in order to retrieve a sane and knowing mind. Well, what's the solution then? I dont know. Maybe I wont find out for another 20 years. But I'm not clinging onto a succession of days and dubbing them a succession of new beginnings. I will rather believe in the ability of a determined human mind, and in sincere, organized effort.

There are no new days. But there is experience and the capability to think and reform; and there is a goal.


Bharath Ranganathan said...


Anonymous said...

there is experience and the capability to think and reform; and there is a goal.


This will go into the "my favourite quotes" wall :-)

tarle bharat said...

nice one....