Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thinking on the move - Questions

Where would we be if these walls were no walls? The mind but a mere goblet to sip the spirit of the world in - place by place, person by person. What would we choose if the senses came unbounded, without the judges mallet? An existence guided by inclinations and cues with choices based on the pillars of passion. How would it all be if I was no muslim and you no hindu? If the core values of love, kindness, fairness and empathy were not reduced and degenerated into religion, society, faith, customs, rites and rituals. What would we believe in if we were never told what to think? Our thoughts drifting like ships - of no port but of everywhere and all things human. Who would we choose if we were to be measured on the merits and defects of our individuality alone? A choice bereft of the societal baggage and frustrating, illogical boundaries that people never chose to question.


Unknown said...

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” ~buddha

Be your own judge to walk the path of freedom..

Shadowfax said...

Thanks :)
I've been trying.

maverick said...

True, an irreligious world would be more humane. If one realizes not to violate and respect the freedom of the individual, the world would be a better place. Unfortunately, it is a minority opinion. The herd mentality is not easy to shrug off.

Anonymous said...

Such thoughts creep in often. Sometimes scary as to how deep the thoughts can go questioning the very essence of why I am doing what I am doing. I feel bound, by so many things around me, so difficult to break free. Fear of finding/defining oneself beyond all the definitions already provided to us. But the greater fear is not doing it and regretting life when it's too late.

Anonymous said...

oops My comment came as anonymous somehow! :P