Friday, October 10, 2014

Let me be

There is a preacher on the corner
Who burdens his own shoulder
With the weight of a deemed properness
"From this path you shall not digress"

These fences of the mind, they stifle me
We know it all and yet we do not see
There is no fear of a false life within us
But the fear of a loss consumes us?

We all have our own rivers
That carve our own banks and valleys
Is it not right to be and let be?
Is it not right to abide by what we believe?

Why do you want to chastise me
With the staff of your beliefs?
When we are but leaves in a doomed forest
Bound to succumb to the winter breeze.

It does not matter if I succeed
By the rules of your book
For happiness lies in writing my own
And in playing by it, for what its worth. 

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