Saturday, January 23, 2010

Writeup about not yet writtenups.

yeah... i like the title too.

My mind has lately been in a very writer/movie friendly mode. Even the simplest of things transpiring around me play like a movie clip and lines form themselves in subtly sarcastic and mildly complex ways. I therefore seem to have a lot to write about even though there's not much interesting going on. So I deemed it appropriate to wrap it all up in a single post and get off easily. So here I go, guiding my varied streams of cerebral energy into one gushing confluence.

1) Farewells! Yes, the goodbyes, sayonaras, the ciao's and cya's. I desperately need to write something about my inability to execute presentably, my farewells. I always seem to think that I'm one goodbye too short and hence tend to reiterate my tata's and birla's. Soliloquy is a common ally during farewells and there are several things I'm telling myself and several more that I am not listening to, me telling me (please dont count; I swear I'm not self centered) .

2) The aeroplane. Apart form topping my "most boring ways to travel" list, it also features on "I'm sorry, I need to gape at this!!" list too. Its really amazing to think how these heavy beasts carrying thousands of kilos manage to get airborne and get back on the ground safely at mind blowing speeds. The only incentive to squirm into a window seat in an airplane is the view outside, be it a thin black freeway needling its way through snow clad landscapes with the horizon gobbling up a crimson sun, or it could be the sight of a well planned city with right angle roads sitting smugly, flanked by mountains, OR, it could be a first hand view of the intricate mechanical engineering in action on the wings, during landing and take off. In-flight entertainment and frequent meals are the only way to strangle the clock and you could also make good use of time by not sleeping a wink, like me.

3) My trip down the dreaded road of "order in life". I am by nature not very organized. I am clean, but cluttered and somewhat inefficient owing to the pervasive influence of disorder in my life. So I valiantly decided that this semester will be a struggle to achieve order and ward off the demons of anarchy. The past 3 days have been as proper as an English tea table. I've been sleeping at 12 and waking up between 6 and 7, making organized lists of things to be done and executing about 70 percent of these tasks (which is up there based on my procrastination dominated history). I also manage to eat at the right times and have reorganized my closet space. Enough said. I'm on my way to orderliness and hopefully will get there in the months to come. Bon Voyage.. wait! am I supposed to be saying that?

4) The part where I declared a vendetta against all fat gujaratis who have an inclination towards kicking the WBC's out of my calf muscles. This one is the most recent; fresh out of the farm. Soccer happened about 3 hours back and so did the flying kick that sent me spiraling into the depths of limb centric agony. And to think I even helped that son of a gun stand up after he had executed successfully, the operation code-named "make Harsha limp for a week". I had a brief vision in slow-motion, of Diaby delivering a jaw crunching blow to John Terry's well positioned head, before I felt the full force of dhokla - power just under my right calf. I will limp all of the 3 steps to my bed after I'm done publishing this post; I walk away a humble soul, forever afraid of fat gujaratis and their unwarranted desires, mostly revolving around the inviting prospect of temporarily maiming a perfectly good limb.


1 comment:

Bharath Ranganathan said...

Oh take care of your leg!

And that you've gotten all organized...please keep time for music :)