Thursday, February 25, 2010

What I want to know is...

I happened to be thinking (yes, I possess the ability) how my life would have been different if I had chosen a career path that's not Electrical / Electronics engineering. It was then that I realized that I wanted to know about a lot of things. So I listed down all the things that I'd like to study. (I'm not adding "in the future" as it adds an element of cliche to it, and people, including me tend to add cliche to cliche by saying stuff like, its not gonna happen if it's not happening right away. So lets not worry about a time frame and for my sake assume, that I will indeed find the time)

1) Music - evolution and composition.
2) Computer Science - to win the war against coding.
3) Mathematics - always a troublesome area for me, but I like to get my hands dirty.
4) Literature - short stories / poetry.
5) Film making - Script writing, direction and cinematography.
6) Theology - just to find out why so many people are drawn to religion.
7) Philosophy - I'm capable of thinking about such stuff for hours together.

That is pretty much it. Electrical Engineering will always be with me. Its not the eternal love of my life, but I like it enough to always keep it in my sack.

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